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Text File  |  1994-01-01  |  6KB  |  141 lines

  1.                  Destiny # 1.
  3.    Destined to be a leader, inventor, innovator, head
  4. of an organization, self-made success. Promoter of new
  5. things/ideas.  Lone wolf, free, unrestricted. Will
  6. possess great internal drive, ambition, power,
  7. forcefulness.  Independent, self-reliant, will think
  8. according to own inner directives and will not follow
  9. orders easily.
  10.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR: bragging,
  11. bigotry, racism, bullying, laziness, belligerence,
  12. nagging, domination, cruelty, selfishness,
  13. pig-headedness, "knowing-it-all".*
  14.                   Destiny #2.
  16.    Destined to create harmony.  Mediator, peacemaker,
  17. arbitrator.  Will create balance and common ground
  18. where before there was none.  Will develop physical and
  19. spiritual magnetism, charm. Very attractive to others.
  20. Not a leader or policy maker but one who brings what
  21. seems impossible to fruition, a "doer". Good in
  22. partnerships and co-operative efforts.
  23.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR:  anger,
  24. cowardice, shyness, carelessness, thoughtlessness,
  25. inattention, neglect, brutishness, truculence,
  26. distrust.*
  27.                    Destiny # 3.
  29.    Destined to arouse, inspire, illuminate others.
  30. Self-expressive, amusing, entertaining.  Good with
  31. words--writing, communicating.  Will be loved and
  32. admired, optimistic, a true friend to others, helpful.
  33. Humorous, full of zest and vitality, very active,
  34. sociable, outgoing, enthusiastic.
  35.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR: pessimism,
  36. deceit, greed, jealousy, lying, lust, sordidness,
  37. suspicion, paranoia, resentfulness, suspicious of
  38. love.*
  39.                    Destiny #4.
  41.    Destined to build, manage, maintain, preserve.
  42. Analytical, practical, economical, feet on the ground,
  43. honest, forthright, loyal.  A good worker, reliable,
  44. steady, systematic, patient, virtuous. Adjusted to
  45. reality, not a visionary.
  46.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR: vulgarity,
  47. rudeness, discourtesy, narrowmindedness, rigidity,
  48. cruelty, inflexibility.*
  49.                      Destiny # 5.
  51.    Destined to be free, experience broad horizons,
  52. explore, innovate.  Receptive to all that is new--new
  53. ideas, new worlds, new realities. Versatile, capable,
  54. well-rounded, progressive.  A traveler, adventurer,
  55. free spirit.  Not easily tied down.  An unattached,
  56. unentangled wanderer, globe-trotter, trekker.
  57.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR: perversion,
  58. idleness, drunkenness, drugs, lack of concentration,
  59. lust and perversion, fickleness, betrayal,
  60. procrastination, irresponsibility.*
  61.                   Destiny # 6.
  63.    Destined to serve, foster, nurture, cultivate. Very
  64. responsible, an excellent parent, partner, educator.
  65. Conscious of society's needs, active in society,
  66. government, charity and service organizations.
  67. Conscientious, honest, careful, thoughtful, dutiful,
  68. loving, devoted.  A home builder.
  69.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR: smugness,
  70. conceit, jealousy, noseyness, interference in others'
  71. lives, self-satisfaction, shrewishness, anxiety,
  72. fretfulness, perverseness, obstinacy, peevishness.*
  73.                    Destiny # 7.
  75.    Destined to illuminate others, teach, ponder,
  76. philosophize.  Meditative, alone, a gatherer of
  77. knowledge.  Will see beneath the surface of things,
  78. discriminating, perceptive, wise, understanding,
  79. studious, spiritual, introspective. Sometimes
  80. considered strange, remote, offish.
  81.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR:
  82. maliciousness, vengefulness, aloofness,
  83. cold-heartedness, sarcasm, infidelity, dishonesty,
  84. bitterness, spitefulness, malevolence, hate.*
  85.                    Destiny # 8.
  87.    Destined to reach high position, lead, take command.
  88. A juggler of many factors, forces, people. Destiny best
  89. reached through co-operative efforts or indirectly
  90. through helping others. Rewards other than money may
  91. present themselves--recognition, respect, fame.
  92. Success comes easily and naturally. Out-of-the-ordinary
  93. friends, broad horizons, power, mastery, skill. Avoid
  94. the kind of ambitions involved with personal gain.
  95.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR: revenge,
  96. heavy-handedness, guile, intolerance, cold-heartedness,
  97. impatience, ruthlessness.*
  98.                   Destiny # 9.
  100.    Destined to serve, understand, care.  Will see
  101. beauty in life, will give to others and receive in
  102. kind, will contribute to the betterment of the world
  103. for all through social activities, the arts, teaching,
  104. philanthropic deeds, by example.  Should not lean too
  105. much on others.
  106.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR: debilitating
  107. melancholy, bitterness, vice, selfishness, dissipation,
  108. lying, immorality.*
  109.                    Destiny # 11.
  111.    Destined to lead others spiritually and
  112. inspirationally.  Religious, idealistic.  Stands for
  113. and lives for higher truth.
  114.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR: fanaticism,
  115. wickedness, miserliness, debasement, rabid zeal,
  116. depravity.  "11" is the same as "2" but much more
  117. intense, i.e.  : Destined to create harmony.  A
  118. mediator, peacemaker, arbitrator. Will create balance
  119. and common ground.  Very attractive to others, physical
  120. and spiritual magnetism, charm. One who brings the
  121. impossible to fruition.  Good in co-operative efforts.
  122.    If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR:  anger,
  123. cowardice, shyness, carelessness, thoughtlessness,
  124. inattention, neglect, brutishness, truculence,
  125. distrust.*
  126.                      Destiny # 22.
  128.    Destined to be a master builder.  Will excel on the
  129. material plane.  Good with large groups. Capable of
  130. high office.  Watch for recklessness, impotence,
  131. ignorance, inferiority, feebleness, timidity.  "22" is
  132. the same as "4", only much more intense, i.e.: Destined
  133. to build, manage, maintain, preserve. Analytical,
  134. practical, feet on the ground. Honest, economical,
  135. forthright, loyal. Good worker, steady, reliable,
  136. systematic, patient, virtuous. Adjusted to reality, not
  137. a visionary.
  138.       If destiny is thwarted then WATCH FOR more
  139. extremes of: vulgarity, rudeness, discourtesy,
  140. narrowmindedness, rigidity, cruelty,inflexibility.*